Creole Town Homes

Located on a long-abandoned and dilapidated mechanical shop site, the project includes three contemporary Creole Town Homes which present a unique opportunity for upscale living. Designed as a contemporary interpretation of historic buildings style and materiality, the homes include modern amenities and first rate environmental efficiencies all set inside the heart of one of New Orleans most cherished historic neighborhoods. Some interesting challenges faced was integrating the trapezoidal lot shape into the overall neighborhood fabric.

New Orleans, Louisiana

Completed 2017

5,000 SF

Project Team
Trey Trahan, Brad McWhirter, Mark Hash, Scott Melançon, Robbie Eleazer, Sarah Cancienne, Conner Bryan, Yichen Lee

The use of patinated metal on the inside façade surfaces grounds this contemporary residence in its historic setting. The history of the site, a former auto garage, and the relaxed aged homes adjacent to the site were inspirations in our material selection. We chose a material that would age, and get better with time.

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Make It Right House


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